Welcome to Lovettsville!
The Town of Lovettsville is home to many successful store-front and home-based businesses! If you are interested in opening a business in Town, we would love to discuss your business ideas and needs. Please call 540-822-5788 to schedule an appointment with our staff.
2016 Lovettsville Market Analysis
For more information about the Lovettsville area, see the results of the Town’s 2016 Lovettsville Market Analysis. Findings of this study include:
- The primary trade area is based on a five-minute drive time.
- This trade area is home to 3,136 residents with $111,196 median household income.
- Total leakage is $44.4 million supporting 57,300 square feet of retail space (including Phase One of Town Square).
- Key retail opportunities:
- Small independent grocer (non-chain under 6K square feet)
- Pharmacy (6.7K square feet)
- Liquor store
- General retail store
- 2-4 additional dining establishments
- Outdoor/hardware (limited opportunity)
- Miscellaneous specialty retail (clothing, gifts)