Berserkle on the Squirkle Scheduled for New Year’s Day at 11:00AM

Are You Ready to BERSERKLE??
Ber-serk-le [ber-zurk-url]
Noun: violently or destructively frenzied movement; wild running, crazed celebration; deranged thrashing about (typically while wearing silly hats): He suddenly went on a berserkle.
Squir-kle [skwair-kuhl]
Noun: mathematical shape with properties between those of a square and those of a circle. It is a special case of superellipse: He suddenly ran around the squirkle.
What better way to start off the New Year than with a 5K?
• A 5K where no one actually counts your laps.
• A 5K run completely around the Squirkle/Zoldos Square.
• A 5K where costumes are not only requested, they’re encouraged.
• A 5K where you can win other people’s regifted Christmas gifts!
• A 5K where you can run, skip, hop, crawl, or stop… at any point in the race.
• A 5K where you can win by being the fastest, or you can win when your number is called at random.
• A 5K where we can all say without reservation that we started off the New Year by “running a 5K.” On January 2nd, you’ll know you’ve already nailed 2025.
Join us. You know you want to.
• Registration begins at 10:00AM at the Squirkle/Zoldos Square.
• The race begins at 11:00AM.
• Bring an unwanted, but in good condition, gift to be regifted.
• 27 laps around the Squirkle if you dare… or don’t.
• Wear a fun outfit. The crazier the better. There are prizes.
• Have fun. Visit with your neighbors. Take pictures.
Let’s ring in the New Year Lovettsville Style!