Mandatory Water Restrictions Have Been Lifted

As we move away from one of the driest summers recorded for our region, the Town of Lovettsville staff would like to express their appreciation for the cooperation of its citizens with the water restrictions enacted in July.
Our operators saw a reduction in water production indicating lower use which helped the wells to recover and maintain adequate water levels through this extremely dry period. Rainfall from Tropical Storm Debbie along with other scattered thunderstorms definitely aided in the recovery of the water tables.
Town staff have carefully monitored well levels this summer and with the help of its citizens, operational procedures, and recent rainfalls, the Town’s water supply has return to a stable condition. With that determination, the Town Manager has decided to lift the mandatory water restrictions currently in place.
The Town requests the continued conservation of water as the Town and the region remain in a drought watch. Checking for leaking outside spigots, hoses, and nozzles, as well as reducing the length of time in the shower, and washing only full loads of dishes and laundry are effective ways to assist in maintaining a stable water supply moving forward.
As always, thank you for your continued partnership in using our water wisely. Town staff will continue to update information as necessary.