Please Use Water Wisely – Severe Drought Warning

As previously posted, our region is under a wide scale severe drought warning. Town staff are monitoring the situation closely as there are concerns over well levels. The Town maintains its voluntary water conservation status. While mandatory restrictions are not immediately being considered, the current drought conditions and lack of regenerative rain fall in the near future make mandatory restrictions a possibility. Town administration and staff are asking residents to help the town avoid a mandatory water restriction situation by increasing water conservation efforts such as shorter showers, only running dishwashers and clothes washers when full, making sure outdoor hoses are turned off when not in use, refrain from watering lawns, and washing vehicles, and above all if you know of a leak, such as a toilet, please get it fixed. The Town of Lovettsville has already discontinued use of all sprinklers on the Town Green and Zoldos Square/the “Squirkle,” and impacts of that will be noticeable soon. Please partner with us to get through these drought conditions and avoid restrictive water use measures.