Notice of Joint Public Hearing

Lovettsville Town Council and Planning Commission

Lovettsville Town Hall Council Chambers at 6 E. Pennsylvania Avenue, Lovettsville VA 20180

November 18, 2021

6:30 p.m.

Proposed Annexation

The Lovettsville Town Council and Planning Commission will take public comment on the following applications:

LVAN 2020-0001, LVCU 2021-0001, and LVCU 2021-0003, One Family Brewing

To consider a request by One Family Brewing LLC for annexation into the Town of Lovettsville. To also consider LVCU 2021-0001, a request to increase the building setback from a public street beyond the maximum 40-foot setback permitted in the CRA-1, Commercial Residential Annexation zoning district pursuant to Section 42-233 (d)(3), and LVCU 2021-0003, a request to permit up to six rental cabins in the CRA-1 zoning district pursuant to Sections 42-233 (c) and 42-297.

The parcel of land that is the subject of this request is Parcel Identification Numbers 371394189 and is 27.07 acres in area. The property is located at 12851 Lutheran Church Road.

LVAN 2019-0001, LVRZ 2021-0001, LVCU 2021-0004, LVCU 2021-0005, West End Motors

To consider a request from Wheeler and Wheeler Inc. for annexation into the Town of Lovettsville. To also consider LVRZ 2021-0001, a request to rezone the property from CRA-1, Commercial Residential Annexation zoning district to the C-2, Mixed Use Business zoning district, and the following conditional use permit applications: LVCU 2021-0004, for used automobile sales, LVCU 2021-0005, for a convenience store with fuel sales, and LVCU 2021-0006, for light vehicle and automobile repair without outdoor storage or displays, pursuant to Section 42- 259(c). The applications are intended to permit the continued operation of existing businesses.

The parcel of land that is the subject of this request is Parcel identification Number 371495463 and is 1.5 acres in area. The property is located at 12842 Berlin Turnpike and identified as Property Identification Number 371495463.

Application materials are available for review online at Planning Commission | Town of Lovettsville, VA ( or at the Town Office between the hours of 8:30 and 4:30 pm during weekdays or by special appointment, holidays excepted. Call (540) 822-5788 for more information or contact John Merrithew, Planning Director and Zoning Administrator at In the event the meeting is postponed, the Town will advertise the date of the rescheduled public hearing.