This Week in Lovettsville

There are no meetings scheduled this week.
Tuesday, December 24th at noon – Thursday, December 26th
Samuel A. Finz Municipal Complex – Closed
Thursday, December 26th
Trash Collection Day
Thursday, December 26th
6:30PM – Zoldos Square/the “Squirkle”
Lovettsville Menorah Lighting Ceremony
Wednesday, January 1st
Samuel A Finz Municipal Complex – Closed
Wednesday, January 1st
Zoldos Square/”the Squirkle”
Berserkle on the Squirkle
Thursday, January 2nd
Trash Collection Day
Saturday, January 4th
12:00PM – Town Council Chambers
Town Council Special Meeting
Lovettsville Menorah Lighting Ceremony
Join the town of Lovettsville for a Menorah Lighting Ceremony on Thursday, December 26th at 6:30PM at Zoldos Square/the “Squirkle.” Due to the availability of the Rabbi, this ceremony will be held on the second night of Hanukkah as you enjoy jelly donuts and hot chocolate while listening to the story of Hanukkah with your neighbors, friends, and family.
Berserkle on the Squirkle 2025
What better way to start off the New Year than with a 5K?
• A 5K where no one actually counts your laps.
• A 5K run completely around the Squirkle/Zoldos Square.
• A 5K where costumes are not only requested, they’re encouraged.
• A 5K where you can win other people’s regifted Christmas gifts!
• A 5K where you can run, skip, hop, crawl, or stop… at any point in the race.
• A 5K where you can win by being the fastest, or you can win when your number is called at random.
• A 5K where we can all say without reservation that we started off the New Year by “running a 5K.” On January 2nd, you’ll know you’ve already nailed 2025.
Join us. You know you want to.
• Registration begins at 10:00AM at the Squirkle/Zoldos Square.
• The race begins at 11:00AM.
• Bring an unwanted, but in good condition, gift to be regifted.
• 27 laps around the Squirkle if you dare… or don’t.
• Wear a fun outfit. The crazier the better. There are prizes.
• Have fun. Visit with your neighbors. Take pictures.
Let’s ring in the New Year Lovettsville Style!
Holiday Trash Collection Update
In observance of Christmas and the New Year, American Disposal will be operating on a one-day delay schedule, and our trash collection days will be moved to Thursdays for both weeks. Due to the heavy volume of items during the holiday season, American Disposal has asked that recycling boxes be broken down to fit inside your container. If you have heavy volume, please space your recycling material out between several different collection days.
Please note that Christmas trees will be collected the first two weeks in January, the 8th and 15th. All tinsel and decorations must be removed. Please do not place trees in plastic bags.
Town Committee Applications
It’s that time of year again! The Town of Lovettsville is now accepting applications for all positions on the Commerce and Business Development Committee, Infrastructure Committee, and Events Committee for 2025, as well as vacancies on the Planning Commission, and Board of Zoning Appeals.
Joining a Committee, Commission, or Board is a great opportunity to share your ideas, voice your opinions, and actively contribute to shaping the Town’s future. Whether it’s Town events, capital improvement projects, economic development initiatives, or advising Town Council on important topics, your participation and input can make a meaningful difference.
Completed applications can be emailed to, delivered to Town Hall, or dropped off at the Town Administrative drop-box, located beside the Lovettsville Museum. Applications received by Thursday, January 2nd will be forwarded to Town Council for consideration of appointment at the Town Council’s January Organizational Meeting/Retreat. Questions can be sent to
Microsoft Word – Board Commission Council Application.doc
Please visit to view upcoming meeting agendas and documents, volunteer for one of our many amazing committees, view project updates, and more!
Happy Holidays and have a great week!