Town Council Public Hearing Notice (BLA); June 23, 2022
The LOVETTSVILLE TOWN COUNCIL will hold a Public Hearing on Thursday, June 23, 2022, at 6:30 pm, in the Town Council Chambers, 6 E. Pennsylvania Avenue, Lovettsville, Virginia to consider the following matter:
Pursuant to Virginia Code §15.2-3106 et seq., the Lovettsville Town Council hereby provides notice of its intention to approve a Boundary Line Agreement with Loudoun County, Virginia, (“County”) to change the existing boundary line between the County and the Town. The proposed boundary line change would incorporate into the municipal limits of the Town a land area containing 30.3815 acres, more or less, being all of the property identified as Loudoun County Parcel Identification Numbers (PINs) 371-49-5463 (West End Motors) and 371-39-4189 (One Family Brewing), plus a 999-foot section of Berlin Turnpike (Route 287) from the current Town boundary on the north (“Subject Property”).
The new location of the boundary line between the County and the Town would correspond generally to a line extending southeasterly from a point located along the Town’s eastern boundary, which point also is located along the northeastern corner of a parcel owned by the Lovettsville District Fire and
Rescue Company, Inc., southeasterly across Route 287 to the northwestern boundary of land owned by Wheeler and Wheeler Inc., then generally southeasterly and southerly along the southern right-of-way
of Lutheran Church Road (Route 676) and northern boundaries of land owned by Wheeler and Wheeler Inc. and One Family Brewing LLC (PIN 234-49-1255 and 234-50-6397), then curving northeasterly to a point and then southeasterly and southerly, then northwesterly and then southwesterly, then westerly along the southern boundary of One Family Brewing LLC to the eastern right-of-way of Route 287, then proceeding northeasterly to a point along the western boundary of One Family Brewing LLC and then crossing Route 287 to the western right-of-way of Route 287 and southeastern corner of a Lovettsville District Fire and Rescue Company, Inc. parcel, then heading northeasterly to the northeastern corner of the Lovettsville District Fire and Rescue Company, Inc. property.
The Subject Property to be incorporated into the Town is located adjacent to the southeast side of the current municipal limits of the Town, in the Catoctin Election District, and is depicted on the below map.
A copy of the draft Boundary Line Agreement and draft Sewer and Water Agreement may be examined at the Lovettsville Town Office, 8 Pennsylvania Avenue, Lovettsville, Virginia from 8:30 to 4:30 Monday through Friday. Documents also may be viewed at: Planning Commission | Town of Lovettsville, VA ( All persons desiring to speak will be given an opportunity to do so at this meeting.
In the event the meeting is cancelled, the public hearing will be convened at the next regular scheduled meeting at the same time and place. Call 540-822-5788 for more information or visit If you have any other questions or concerns, please contact John Merrithew, Zoning Administrator for the Town of Lovettsville at (540) 755-3004 or by email at [email protected].
6/9 & 6/16/22