The Town has been designated a Tree City USA community by the Arbor Day Foundation since 2012. Recognition by the Foundation requires the Town to uphold four standards related to maintaining and preserving the Town’s urban tree canopy:
- Establish and maintain a board or department responsible for the care of trees on Town-owned property. The Lovettsville Tree Advisory Board advises Town officials on the proper care of street and park trees;
- Adopt a Tree Care Ordinance providing clear guidance for planting, maintaining and removing trees from streets, parks and other public spaces as well as activities that are required or prohibited. The Town’s Tree Conservation Ordinance can be found in Article II of Chapter 10 of the Town Code, which is available by clicking HERE;
- Fund the community’s urban forestry program with an annual budget of at least $2 per capita; and
- Conduct an annual Arbor Day ceremony and adopt and recite the Arbor Day proclamation.
For more information on the Tree City USA program, follow this link to the Arbor Day Foundation website. If you would like to get involved or learn more about the Town of Lovettsville local tree program, contact the Planning Director & Zoning Administrator by clicking HERE.
Tree Advisory Board

The Tree Advisory Board, in consultation with Town staff, completed a map and inventory of all Town park and street trees in 2017.
The Lovettsville Tree Advisory Board was established in 2015 to advise the Town Council and committees, Planning Commission, and Town staff in the “care, preservation, pruning, planting, replanting, removal or disposition of trees in parks, along streets and in other public areas.” Town residency is not a prerequisite for appointment to the board. If you have an interest in participating on the Board, or expertise or are otherwise interested in urban forestry or trees more generally, please contact the Planning Director & Zoning Administrator by clicking HERE.
The Tree Advisory Board Meetings are held quarterly. Information about upcoming and recent Tree Advisory Board meetings and tree planting initiatives are posted at the bottom of this page.
2019 Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony
This year’s tree planting ceremony was held on Arbor Day, April 26, 2019 at Quarter Branch Park. The Town dedicated the planting of a tulip tree (also referred to as tulip poplar or yellow poplar) at the park and celebrated in conjunction with the Virginia Department of Forestry and the Arbor Day Foundation our seventh year as a Tree City USA community. A link to the ceremony program brochure can be found by clicking HERE.
- AGENDA: December 4, 2019 Tree Advisory Board Meeting
- MINUTES: July 25, 2019 Tree Advisory Board Meeting