The Frye Court Service District was established in April 2003 as a result of an agreement from July 1991 between the developer of Lovettsville Manor and the Town of Lovettsville that required the Town to assume the responsibility for the pumping station; and the Town would establish a service tax district to fund the necessary inspection, maintenance, repair and replacements necessary to secure the health, safety and welfare of the Frye Court residents. In March 2019 via this Frye Court Service District Adopting Ordinance, the Frye Court Service District was expanded by an additional 14 lots associated with the Keena Subdivision located on Frye Court, E. Pennsylvania Avenue and Stone Jail Street.  As a result, the service district currently includes 28 parcels.

There are currently 28 parcels included in the service district that are subject to the annual service tax rate levied on the land value of the parcels.  The current rate is 23.3₵ per $100 assessed land value.  The recurring operating expenses for the Frye Court Pump Station for Fiscal Year 2025 total $9,000 and are comprised of landscaping, electricity, generator maintenance, internet/phone service, annual repairs and dedicated Utility staff time.

On September 10, 2024, a pump failure occurred at the Frye Court Pump Station.  There are two pumps in the pit: one completely failed beyond repair, and the other has been deemed inadequate to maintain the needed pumping.  Utilities staff was diligent all weekend in pumping out the pit manually using a contractor and Purcellville staff.  Priority One Plumbing replaced both pumps as an emergency repair and the station is back to normal operations.    The emergency repairs of the two pump replacements, the installation of the pump rails and the manual lift crane totaled $24,200.   The reserve is $25,084 and the 2024 billings, that are due December 5, 2024, total approximately $9,132.  The anticipated normal operational costs for Fiscal Year 2025 are estimated to be $5,000.  As a result, the proposed use of reserves for the emergency repairs and lasting upgrade of the pump rail and winch crane is expected to exhaust the majority of the current reserve.  The anticipated remaining reserve on June 30, 2025 for the Frye Court Service District is projected to be $6,517.

Related Documents/ Links:

February 7, 2019 Town Council Meeting

March 28, 2019 Town Council Meeting (Frye Court Service District Expansion Public Hearing)